14 May 2010

cat lover 4

hye2^^. juz now my relatives were here to visit my family n borak2 till late of nite. with their two kids *cute girls, my niece from my cousin*, it is enough for me to feel like im the busiest women on earth *like so true huh?*. so this is what had happen. as other normal kids will do when meet 4 happy family cat, they were getting excited. i mean too excited. oh my kitten! *mamma mia* they are so scared till they think they have nowhere to hide. haha of course, cause i am happily to show how cute they are to my nieces.
my nieces so geram with those cat and they felt like they wanted to cekik the kitten. ouh.. poor my kitten. thanx god i was there too. haha it juz hyperball lah. they are not as geram as that lah. they were still behave. it just sometimes, they were so stubborn that i have to wish i got more hands to control them. ahah! i supposed to type about the cats right? *instead of my nieces*.
there was one thing that has fascinated me about cats. have i told you about comeh who is *or should it what* being tersisih from his own kitten *drama queen huh?*. so the story begin with my niece who wants to catch naomeh. comeh was there and it chase its 'daughter' to protect it from my niece *it is normal for cat to running from strangers*. i never thought comeh would have do that. but what can i say here. maybe it was its instinct to protect its child or maybe its own species. who knows? *err, maybe the experts know*.

psst..psst: ouh i have terrible english is it? hmm need to work more on it. oh ye! kasihnye ayah.. haha tetibe sajer

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